Longmont’s Best Trick or Treating

Homeownership in Colorado

Many say Longmont’s best trick or treating is in Prospect New Town…but I disagree. I think the best trick or treating is right outside your front door, no matter where you live.

Stick with me here. (Yes, this applies outside of Longmont, too!)

I understand the allure of going to the place with the most candy and immersive experience. Yet, I think the best experiences can happen when you step out your front door. I still describe the most popular haunts below, but I hope you might consider a two-fold approach this year if you’re leaving home in search of more-candied doorways.

The Best Trick or Treating Builds Community

Young child and elderly person wearing a dragon cape cuddle on a couch

Longmont Estates does not have nearly the participation that I remember from childhood. Even so, we always start our evening on our block! We don’t do it because we want to reap loads of candy; we do it because we love our neighbors. Nurturing these connections can lead to adorable moments anytime of year, like the one in this photo, from a random afternoon in August!

When I step back and think about it, trick or treating is a great opportunity to build the neighbor-to-neighbor connections that are the bedrock of a community. Neighbors can be so much more than a person we wave to on the way to run errands; they are often the first to respond when you need help. When we were new to the neighborhood and I was home alone with my dangerously feverish toddler, three neighbors I barely knew took care of us. One ran to the grocery, another to the pharmacy, and another made and delivered dinner.

In an increasingly disconnected world, these informal interactions can go a long way towards fostering a sense of belonging. This is true even (and perhaps especially) when you don’t share the same world views. We make it a point to trick or treat our block around 5:00 PM. Then, we join extended family later in their neighborhood. Whether you are giving or getting treats this year, I hope you will consider it an opportunity to connect with those nearest you.

Longmont’s Best Trick or Treating

#1: Prospect: Need I say more? It’s THE place to be on Halloween if you want an immersive experience. Looking for the occasional live horse parading as a unicorn? Prospect. Hope to find every nook and cranny decorated? Prospect. However, because the entire place spooks it up, be prepared for lines, crowds, and limited parking. Candy dwindles as the night wears on, so consider going before sunset if you’re going for candy.

#2: Historic West Side, aka, Old Town: Old Town is great on Halloween. Old Town has lots of young families, and the mostly-small houses are tightly packed. Of note, Old Town does not have as much on-street lighting as newer neighborhoods! Bring flashlights and be especially careful crossing streets!

#3: Clover Creek: Located east of Airport Rd and south of Clover Basin Dr, Clover Creek is great on Halloween. It and the surrounding neighbors are compact and feature amenities that delight families with young children, including a neighborhood pool, greenways, and bike paths. It fits the trick or treat metrics described at the end of this post very closely.

#4: Spring Valley at Ute Creek: Much like the Clover Creek area, Spring Valley is “newer” and has an HOA. It also backs up to the Ute Creek Golf Course, so you can cross Pace on the bike path and access additional neighborhoods. If you don’t find what you’re looking for there, head to the nearby Skyline High School area. It is also known for excellent trick or treating.

#5: Fox Hill: Fox Hill is an interesting neighborhood. Fox Hill was built in the ’70s, but it has an HOA. The HOA is both voluntary and just $50/ year (the slightly newer section’s HOA is mandatory). That fee supports neighborhood events that encourage community participation. While the houses are on large lots, candy hunters report it’s a great place to spend the evening.

#6: Life Care Center @ 2451 Pratt, 10 AM: This one is not technically a neighborhood, it’s a nursing facility! Most years they host a morning event for kids 10 year old and younger. It’s an inter-generational opportunity to exchange joy, and a great way for younger ones to enjoy the holiday indoors. It seems to happen most years and is the only facility-run event the day of Halloween. RSVP @ 303-684-5504

Other recommended neighborhoods, in no particular order:

  • South of Loomiller Park, near LHS: On streets S. of 15th households coordinate their offerings to make it especially festive.
  • McIntosh Lake, to the North and Northeast: I’ve not heard Lakeshore recommended (south of the Lake). This makes me sad because I grew up there and it used to be amazing! However, the neighborhoods north and northeast of McIntosh are frequently recommended.
  • Kitely: Kitely is east of Main St. in an older part of town. Many have mentioned that clusters of houses make an effort to provide a memorable experience.

How to Find Neighborhoods with the Highest Treats-Per-Step Ratio

Outside of direct recommendations, I have a loose formula for finding the most candy-rich opportunities for trick or treating.

  • Homes that are fairly close together
  • Neighborhoods that have signs of young children…. Look for sidewalk chalk, bikes abandoned in locations where they are likely to be run over, skateboards, and balls in the front yard
  • Communities where many of the homes are decorated for Halloween
  • Newer home communities
  • …and lastly, communities with HOAs.*

*Why does there seem to be a correlation between HOAs and Halloween goodies? I suspect it’s because newer neighborhoods have HOAs, and newer neighborhoods tend to have more children.

Did I miss your favorite place? Be in touch and I will update this post!

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I'm Libby Earthman. I specialize in assertively protecting my clients as they buy and sell homes on Colorado's northern Front Range. I want you to know HOW to make well-reasoned real estate decisions, and I assertively protect your interests during the transaction. 

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Longmont, CO 80501


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